"To Perceive The World
With Logic"
ISBN 978-3-936624-08-3
Softcover (SC), 340 p. (2007), 29,80 €
ISBN 978-3-936624-09-0
E-Book (2008)
Our world is most certainly an integrated whole!
Is there a higher creative intelligence, is there a God?
Is there a spirit, a spiritual dimension?
Does our life end with death?
Do humans have a free will? What is our "ego"?
Are life and spirit mere incidental products of matter?
Was everything really created by the Big Bang?
These and many other questions occupy all our minds
at some time or other!
Natural science and religions offer diverse and
often mutually excluding and contradictory answers.
Natural science preaches materialisms.
Neither God nor a discarnate spirit, not even our "ego"
or our free will find acceptance in the tenets of natural science
and modern brain research.
Is this materialism, so characteristic of our times, the right notion?
The author is a practicing medical specialist and a professor at a
German University of Applied Sciences. He has lectured at a
natural scientific-technical faculty for many years.
He is convinced that materialism is not the right explanation and
he believes that he can prove this by means of confirmed
natural scientific knowledge.
With his consistent observation beyond the horizons
of all important scientific fields and with impressive logic
he leads us towards his own perception of the real world.
Natural science and religions are smoothly interconnected
here by means of philosophy. In the end even death loses its horror.
In so doing, this book may also provide assistance and
consolation for those afraid of their own death
or being directly confronted with the death of a beloved one.